Turner County has many Civic orgs and clubs for the people to become a part of their community. Find your fit!
Call the Chamber to find out more information about this organizations 229-567-9696.
Call the Chamber to find out more information about this organizations 229-567-9696.
Civic Clubs in Turner Co.
Contact us today to get involved with these groups or to add yours!
Kiwanis Club Tuesdays at noon
"Helping the Children of the World" is the Kiwanian's Motto. Kiwanis Club of Turner Co. seeks to create a better life for the children of Turner Co. Membership is open to anyone that would like to serve children.
Barabra Ann Perry - President Connie Albritton - Treasurer Dot Ergle - Secretary www.facebook.com/TurnerCoKiwanis https://www.kiwanis.org/ |
Rotary ClubThursdays at noon
The Ashburn Rotary Club is an organization dedicated to serving our community and the world.
Brenda Lee - President Mike Mastrario - Secretary/Treasurer https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100057582574763 |
Booster ClubOffical supporters of